MCMGA Youth Education Grants

Background: Marion County Master Gardener Association (MCMGA) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote good gardening practices to the community in cooperation with Purdue Extension – Marion County. This grant is to be used to support youth gardening education initiatives which help support and sustain hunger-relief efforts in the Marion County hunger-relief system. Not-for-profit [ie 501c(3)] organizations involved with farming, community gardens, food pantries, food desert initiatives, and nutrition programs that include demographically targeted education programs are encouraged to apply for this grant.

In order to facilitate review of your grant proposal we are providing additional guidance for writing your grant. If you have questions please send an email to
MCMGA Youth Education Grant Additional Details

MCMGA Youth Education Grant Procedure

YearAwarded to:ProjectAmount
2024Unique 7xPrepare raised beds and in-ground areas for planting this season. Organize classes with expert presenters focusing on sustainable agriculture. Arrange field trips to farms and gardens practicing sustainable agriculture. Signage informing the neighborhood about our youth learning garden.$1,500